Monday, July 21, 2008

Apollo 11

Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr. on the moon, July 21, 1969. 

39 years ago, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon.  The whole world stopped for a few hours while everyone watched.  They spent about 22 hours on the moon, including 2 1/2 hours outside.  The two, along with the command module pilot Michael Collins, returned to earth on July 24th bringing 21.5 kg of moon rocks and soil.  Even after almost 40 years, the 380 kg of samples brought back by the Apollo astronauts are still in heavy demand for scientific research.  All lunar material from the Apollo program is the property of the US government, with a peculiar exception.  The astronaut’s moon suits were auctioned after the end of the program.  Lunar dust clinging to the suits was deemed part of the sale.  This dust is far more valuable than any material on earth. During a 2003  court case, NASA estimated the market value of lunar materials at about $4 million per kg.

This image shows Armstrong and Aldrin’s movements on the lunar surface compared to an American football field.  They didn’t go far.

Aldrin after the moon walk.  Here is a man standing at the pinnacle of human achievement.  His eyes are shining.

Armstrong, on the other hand, looks very happy, but tired.

Here is the NASA Apollo 11 photo gallery.